Cut loose mulberry leaves
The mulberry leaves lat. Morus alba lower blood sugar levels, reduce insulin requirement for glucose breakdown and slow the diabetes of, and support healthy weight loss. The mulberry leaves also called Japanese mulberries come from Asian region and are an integral part of Chinese and Japanese medicine for a long time. The Japanese drink a traditional mulberry leaves tea to maintain health. In Japan, the bioactive ingredients of mulberry leaves a group of alkaloids have been fully investigated and u. Ä. Found that slow the enzymes that are responsible for splitting the captured sugar and carbohydrates. Only the decomposed to glucose sugar can enter the bloodstream. The unparsed sugar (for lack of necessary enzymes) is simply excreted. This ability of mulberry leaves is not only diabetics benefit, but restricts sugar intake and support the maintenance of healthy weight or helps it to reduce. The bioactive ingredients of mulberry leaves also slow the absorption of cholesterol from the gut and also reduce its blood concentrations. The mulberry leaves tea is also a diuretic (diuretic) and reduces by about 10% blood pressure.
Application:. One teaspoon (1.5g) of mulberries with 250ml (one cup) brew boiling water, 15 minutes infuse covered, strain. On day three times a cup brew (3x1, 5g) and drink.
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