Dietary supplements
The fireweed lat. Epilobium a perennial plant with small pink to purple flowers is everywhere in our directory as a wild plant. Clinical studies have confirmed what the folklore has long wusste.Der total extract of Epilobium an effective and harmless prostate means, thanks to the cooperation of all biologically active substances: flavonoids, tannins, triterpene and especially the phytosterols and hierdem main active ingredient the beta sitosterol. Epilobium is recommended as a prophylactic measure for men to receive from 40 umeine good constitution of the prostate, because it inhibits the activity of enzymes (reductase and aromatase), the other enlargement of the prostate are involved. In addition, the tea has been shown to anti-inflammatory and healing effect on acute and chronic inflammation of the prostate, prostate adenoma, the onset in chronic urethral and bladder and helps as a supportive measure for prostate surgery. The bioactive cranberry (cranberry) support the antibacterial effect of Epilobium and prevent the formation of urinary stones in front. The two medicinal herbs also act detoxifying the entire body. Suitable for women who are prone to frequent urinary tract inflammation Ender.
Epilobium angustifolium (fireweed), Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
It is recommended that the amount of 1 tea bag per day not to exceed.
European production.